Rust Bootcamp

Video description

Rust Bootcamp

Course Overview

Welcome to our comprehensive Rust programming course! In this immersive learning experience, we will guide you through every aspect of Rust, empowering you to become a proficient developer.

This course is ideal for beginners wanting to become proficient in Rust or from existing developers coming from languages like Python or JavaScript that want to learn Rust fundamentals.

Get started by setting up your preferred text editor and installing Rust. We'll ensure that you have all the necessary tools to create a productive coding environment. By leveraging the capabilities of Visual Studio Code and enabling the Rust Analyzer, you'll unlock a feature-rich ecosystem that enhances your development workflow.

Experience the game-changing potential of GitHub Copilot, an AI-powered assistant. Sign up for GitHub Copilot and witness its transformative impact on your coding experience. We'll guide you through the installation process and show you how to leverage its intelligent suggestions for accelerated programming.

Master concepts and fundamentals like control flow, variable assignment, and immutability. Learn the intricacies of loops, conditional statements, and effective error handling techniques. With Rust's borrowing concept at your disposal, you'll develop secure and high-performance code.

Build upon your foundation with advanced topics like structs, string manipulation, and working with vectors and enums. We'll explore real-world library development using Cargo, Rust's robust package manager. Effective documentation and debugging techniques will become second nature as you optimize your code.

Organize your code effectively with modules, extending functionality and enhancing reusability. Dive into comprehensive testing methodologies to ensure the reliability and correctness of your programs. From writing tests for your code to handling private components, you'll gain expertise in developing robust software projects.

Our immersive learning experience includes hands-on examples, interactive exercises, and practical projects. Rust's performance, safety, and expressiveness will be at your fingertips as you embrace its immense potential. Join us on this rewarding journey to unlock the power of Rust programming and propel your career forward.

Enroll now and gain the skills, knowledge, and expertise to thrive in the world of Rust. Whether you're a beginner, coding novice, or an experienced developer seeking new horizons, our course is your gateway to writing elegant, reliable, and high-performance code. Embrace the possibilities of Rust and embark on a rewarding programming journey today with one of the most loved programming languages.

Learning Objectives

  1. Gain a solid understanding of Rust's core concepts, including variable assignment, control flow, and immutability, to write efficient and reliable code.
  2. Master the utilization of powerful development tools such as Visual Studio Code and the Rust Analyzer, enhancing productivity and enabling seamless coding experiences.
  3. Explore GitHub Copilot and learn how to leverage its AI-driven suggestions to accelerate programming and boost code quality.
  4. Develop proficiency in working with advanced Rust features, such as structs, enums, and string manipulation, to build robust and flexible applications.
  5. Discover the intricacies of module organization and extend functionality through effective code structuring, promoting code reusability and maintainability.
  6. Acquire comprehensive testing skills, including writing tests for code components and handling private code, ensuring the reliability and correctness of Rust programs.
  7. Gain hands-on experience in real-world library development using Cargo, Rust's package manager, and become proficient in documenting code and debugging techniques.

These compelling learning objectives will guide you through the course, helping you acquire essential skills and knowledge to become a confident Rust developer.

Course Content

This course is divided into 4 weeks with 3 lessons that contain about 6 videos each. Each video is about 5 minutes long and contains a hands-on demonstration of the concepts covered in the lesson. The course is designed to be taken in order, but you can jump to any lesson you want to learn more about.

Week 1: Setting up your development environment

Reference GitHub Repository

Complete your learning with week 1's practice lab

  • Setting up your text editor
  • Using GitHub Copilot with Rust
  • Introduction to GitHub Codespaces for Rust

Week 2: Rust fundamentals

Reference GitHub Repository

Complete your learning with week 2's practice lab

  • Introduction to Rust
  • Loops and Control flow
  • Function basics

Week 3: Structs, Types, and Enums

Reference GitHub Repository

Complete your learning with week 3's practice lab

  • Using structured data
  • Exploring strings and vectors
  • Working with Enum and Variants

Week 4: Applying Rust

Reference GitHub Repository

Complete your learning with week 4's practice lab

  • Building a real-world library
  • Extending functionality with modules
  • Testing Rust code

About your instructor

Alfredo Deza has over a decade of experience as a Software Engineer doing DevOps, automation, and scalable system architecture. Before getting into technology he participated in the 2004 Olympic Games and was the first-ever World Champion in High Jump representing Peru. He currently works in Developer Relations at Microsoft and is an Adjunct Professor at Duke University teaching Machine Learning, Cloud Computing, Data Engineering, Python, and Rust. With Alfredo's guidance, you will gain the knowledge and skills to build with the Rust programming language.


Table of contents

  1. Lesson 1
    1. "Meet Your Instructor"
    2. "About This Course"
    3. "Introduction"
    4. "Installing Rust"
    5. "Overview Of Visual Studio Code"
    6. "Enabling The Rust Analyzer"
    7. "Using The Rust Analyzer"
    8. "Synchronize Your Settings"
    9. "Summary"
    10. "Introduction"
    11. "Signing Up For Github Copilot"
    12. "Installing And Enabling Copilot"
    13. "Programming With Suggestions"
    14. "Using Prompts With Copilot"
    15. "Copilot X And Chat Based Learning"
    16. "Summary"
    17. "Introduction"
    18. "Fundamentals Of Codespaces"
    19. "Usage And Quotas"
    20. "Basics Of Dev Containers"
    21. "Customizing The Editor"
    22. "Customizing The Environment"
    23. "Summary"
  2. Lesson 2
    1. "Introduction"
    2. "Create A New Rust Project"
    3. "Overview Of Project Files"
    4. "Basic Components Of Rust Code"
    5. "Variable Assignment And Immutability"
    6. "Basics Of Control Flow"
    7. "Shadowing Variables"
    8. "Summary"
    9. "Introduction"
    10. "Introduction To Loops"
    11. "Other Conditional Statements"
    12. "The While Loop"
    13. "The For Loop"
    14. "Break And Continue Statements"
    15. "Match Control Flow"
    16. "Summary"
    17. "Introduction"
    18. "Simple Unit Functions"
    19. "Return Values"
    20. "Using Arguments"
    21. "The Borrowing Concept"
    22. "Using Panic"
    23. "Error Handling"
    24. "Summary"
  3. Lesson 3
    1. "Introduction"
    2. "Defining Structs"
    3. "Creating Struct Instances"
    4. "Associated Functions And Constructors"
    5. "Other Struct Uses"
    6. "Summary"
    7. "Introduction"
    8. "String And Str"
    9. "String Manipulation"
    10. "Basics Of Vectors"
    11. "Retrieving Values"
    12. "Adding Elements To Vectors"
    13. "Summary"
    14. "Introduction"
    15. "Defining An Enum"
    16. "Using Enum As A Type"
    17. "The Option Enumerator"
    18. "Applied Enums"
    19. "Vectors With Enums"
    20. "Exhaustive Matches"
    21. "Summary"
  4. Lesson 4
    1. "Introduction"
    2. "Creating A Library With Cargo"
    3. "Documenting Your Code"
    4. "Adding Code To Lib"
    5. "Using A Debugger"
    6. "Using A Makefile"
    7. "Summary"
    8. "Introduction"
    9. "Cargo For Dependencies"
    10. "Extending With Modules"
    11. "Verify Code With Doctest"
    12. "Public And Private Modules"
    13. "Private And Public Fields"
    14. "Summary"
    15. "Introduction"
    16. "Organizing Test Files"
    17. "Introduction To Testing In Rust"
    18. "Writing Tests For Your Code"
    19. "Testing Private Code"
    20. "Using Test Failure Messages"
    21. "Summary"
    22. "Course Summary"

Product information

  • Title: Rust Bootcamp
  • Author(s): Alfredo Deza
  • Release date: September 2023
  • Publisher(s): Pragmatic AI Solutions
  • ISBN: 28080717VIDEOPAIML